1st International Conference for Future Studies
and Risk Management
Future Studies and Risk Management: The Science Features and Applied
18 March 2017
المستقبلية وإدارة
المخاطر: الخصائص
العلمية والحالة
الاستشرافية التطبيقية
فى مصر"
Conference activities and final recommendations:
efforts in Future Foresight:
The members of the delegation representing the Government of Dubai, from
the United Arab Emirates, and the General Command of Dubai Police regarding the
exchange of experiences in research and studies related to national security
and community security. As well as exchanging experiences regarding research
methods and intellectual, applied and training approaches for trainees from
both sides. This is also in addition to the exchange of publications,
publications and Arabic translations issued by the cumulative Egyptian
experience since the nineties of the last century in Egypt. This is all within
a framework that brings together all other governmental and private
institutions working in the fields of scientific forecasting and forecasting
from Dubai, Kuwait, Tunisia and Sudan. In partnership with the Millennium
Project Foundation, the United Nations University in Tokyo, and its fifty
international groups around the world, including the Cairo Group, the Egyptian,
Arab and international research base is being established.
In this regard also, memoranda of understanding is
exchanged with future foresight institutions from European, Italian and Czech
universities, and joint research projects of interest to all parties were
prepared, from health and population issues to energy and the phenomenon of
international violence and terrorism. On a parallel level, preparations are
underway to participate in the Project on the Future of Work and Technology in
2050 with the Millennium Project Foundation in Washington.
Recommendation: It is necessary to maximize participatory efforts in future prospects Represented
in the exchange of joint national and foreign memoranda of understanding in the
context of research, studies and future approaches to thought, preparing
memoranda of understanding in both Arabic and English and adopting them for
legal accreditation from the Legal Affairs at the Academy of Scientific Research
and exchanging them with the concerned parties.
2- The need to
establish community cooperation protocols to apply the research projects
outcomes into industrial scale.
A representative of the business sector participated in the conference
as a representative of “Tameer Misr”
and its chairman (A. Mohamed Abdel Azim) as well as its managing director (A.
Abdel Hakim Al-Attar). This is in order to support research projects prepared
by researchers on the wheat food gap. (Ed Samiha Odeh), and the Egyptian Knowledge System (Prof. Kamal Shaer). Which bodes well for the participation of more
businessmen and national capital in support of national development programmes.
Also, scientists from qualitative scientific research councils within the
Academy of Scientific Research participated in the activities of the
conference, each in his specialization, from agriculture to industry, health,
water, energy and others.
Recommendation: It is necessary to establish protocols for community cooperation
between industrial production units and scientific research bodies, nationally
and in the Arab region.
3- Activating
media and presentation for research productivity
By holding Egyptian, Arab and international conferences and practical
and intellectual training seminars. The Council held its first workshop in
April 2016. That was immediately after its establishment and completion of its
formation, with the participation of the IIASA Foundation from the State of
Austria (Prof. Pavel Kabat). As well as the participation of the Egyptian
Ministry of Planning represented by the Undersecretary responsible for
presenting the Egypt 2030 project. This is in addition to introducing the
nature of the council's research tasks and the milestones of the development
roadmap and its national projects. Today, the council announces its intention
to crown its participatory efforts and to hold the first international
conference for positive future research on Arab Egypt this year.
Recommendation: It is necessary to activate the media and display the aforementioned
research productivity that occurred in today's conference, and to issue a
booklet of the conference proceedings, including the topics and lectures
4- Identify
issues and challenges for Egyptian and Arab countries, their international
returns, and the development of visions and alternatives for the options
available in decision-making.
It is the objective matter and the basis of the functional entity of the
Council obtained in describing the existing nature of the transformations in
Egypt and their consequences in Arab societies, and their international
returns. Which at the end of it represents a number of challenges that need to
put forward a number of options in decision-making. And testing its possible
and potential feasibility before putting it on the general community
environment. This requires the emergence of methods and means of work in the
application on the ground in real reality. Which is represented in three
circles: the first is the collection of data and information to acquire real
knowledge that is examined by the expert, knowledgeable mind, and reviewed by
all minds in a democracy of constructive dialogue, freedom of opinion and
courage of expression. As well as creating ideas outside the box. Then dealt
with the second circle represented in computer technologies, and then the third
circle represented by the communications revolution. Thus, the decision-maker
has complete credibility, say that it is available far from the three circles
of wisdom referred to. Some of the verified models of the mechanisms and
methods were presented in the research presented on air pollution and its
health effects (Dr. Munir Labib),Egyptian Water Security: Future Trends (Dr. Nisreen Al-Lahham), and the
Water, Energy and Food Syndrome as a main axis in the 2030 Sustainable
Development Plan - an applied example (Dr. Gasser Hassan).
Recommendation: The necessity of identifying Egyptian and Arab issues and challenges,
and their international responses, and setting visions and alternatives for the
available options in decision-making in the manner shown above.
5- On the
dissemination of future culture and community awareness:
For the sake of these goals and their achieved feasibility, and for the
advanced and explaining reasons, the Council undertakes the development of
culture and awareness protocols among the segments of society, each according
to its capabilities and environment. In addition to setting nationalization and
empowerment policies for education, learning, culture and education curricula,
these are undertaken by the relevant ministries and disseminated by the media
and NGOs. In addition to the establishment of the future library, the website,
the periodical newsletter, the Egyptian-Arabic Encyclopedia,
and the Arabic dictionary for future discourse.
Recommendation: It is necessary to work to spread the future culture and community
awareness. The importance of thinking and activating future visions that ensure
that the future is made in our hands and for our future generations and not in
the hands of others.